♥_ mE and oNLy mEh_♥

♥_ mE and oNLy mEh_♥
♥ wAz laNg ♥

Friday, February 5, 2010

Latest Current Trends related to Database

February 3, 2010
Database Level Auditing with Microsoft SQL Server 2008
By Muthusamy Anantha Kumar aka The MAK

MAK shows us how easy it is to create a database level audit, test the audit and retrieve the audit records in Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
Creating a Server Level Audit the Easy Way," illustrated how to create a server level audit and retrieve the audit records. The next logical step is to create a database level audit. However, before creating the database level audit we need to decide where the target is going to be. Let's choose a FILE as our target for the Database level audit.
Step 1: Create a Folder
Create a folder, C:\SQLAudit, as shown in Fig 1.0.

Fig 1.0 - choose a FILE as target for the database level audit

Step2: Create the Server Audit
Create the Server Audit Object using the following command.
CREATE SERVER AUDIT Compliance_Database_Audit
Note: Compliance_Database_Audit is the name of the Server Audit. This command allocates 5MB of disk space for this audit. When the 5MB file is filled up, it automatically rolls over to another file up to a maximum number of 100 Files. When the audit restarts the next time, it evaluates the number of files and delete any older files.

Step 3: Enable the Server Audit
By default, the server audit is disabled. Enable the server audit using the following command.
ALTER SERVER AUDIT Compliance_Database_Audit with (STATE = ON)
Note: Once the audit starts, the OS allocates 5MB disk space for the audit file. Refer to Fig 1.1.

Fig 1.1 - Enable the Server Audit

Step 4: Add the Database Audit specification
The database audit specification is the list of action groups that the Server Audit will audit. Let's add a couple of action groups when creating the Audit specification.
Note: Compliance_Database_Audit_Spec is the name of the Server Audit specification
Step 5: Update the Database Audit specification
If you want to add action groups to the existing database audit specification, you could use the following statement.
FOR SERVER AUDIT Compliance_Database_Audit
Note: You can skip step 4 if you have already listed all of the action groups in Step 4.
Step 6: Enable Server Audit specification
Use the following command to enable Audit specification.
FOR SERVER AUDIT Compliance_Database_Audit WITH (STATE = ON)
Step 7: Read Audit data
Execute the following command to read the AUDIT data from the binary file. Refer to Figure 1.2.
SELECT event_time, action_id,
succeeded, session_id, session_server_principal_name, target_server_principal_name,
target_database_principal_name, database_name, database_principal_name, schema_name,
object_name, statement FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file ('C:\SQLAudit\*Compliance_Database_Audit_*.sqlaudit',default,default);

Fig 1.2 - Read Audit data

Step 8: Test Audit
We have the following action group added to the Audit specification.
Let's test the action group by executing the following command.
use master
/****** Object: Login [MyLogin] Script Date: 01/10/2010 03:47:53 ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = N'MyLogin')
Create Login MyLogin with password = 'P@ssWord'
/****** Object: Login [MyLogin2] Script Date: 01/10/2010 03:48:10 ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = N'MyLogin2')
Create Login MyLogin2 with password = 'P@ssWord'
USE [master]
/****** Object: Database [MyDB] Script Date: 01/10/2010 03:48:19 ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'MyDB')
Create database MyDB
use MyDB

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[mytable] Script Date: 01/10/2010 03:48:41 ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[mytable]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[mytable]

create table mytable (id int)
/****** Object: User [MyLogin] Script Date: 01/10/2010 03:48:56 ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'MyLogin')
create user MyLogin for Login MyLogin

/****** Object: User [MyLogin2] Script Date: 01/10/2010 03:49:13 ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'MyLogin2')
DROP USER [MyLogin2]

create user MyLogin2 for Login MyLogin2
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'MyLogin'
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'MyLogin2'
EXEC sp_droprolemember N'db_owner', N'MyLogin2'
EXEC sp_changedbowner N'MyLogin2'
Now let's see if these actions have been logged to the binary file under c:\SQLAudit by executing the followoing command. Refer to Fig 1.3.
SELECT event_time, action_id,
succeeded, session_id, session_server_principal_name, target_server_principal_name,
target_database_principal_name, database_name, database_principal_name, schema_name,
object_name, statement FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file ('C:\SQLAudit\*Compliance_Database_Audit_*.sqlaudit',default,default);

Fig 1.3 - see if these actions have been logged to the binary file

Step 9: Check the Audit metadata
Use the following commands to view metadata information on the server audit and audit specification.
SELECT * FROM sys.server_audits
SELECT * FROM sys.Database_audit_specifications

You also check the extended events that are created by SQL server related to this audit using the following Dynamic management view command. Refer to Fig 1.5.
select s.name as [session name], se.event_name as [event name],
p.name as [package name], t.target_name as [target name]
from sys.dm_xe_sessions s
join sys.dm_xe_session_events se on s.address = se.event_session_address
join sys.dm_xe_packages p on se.event_package_guid = p.guid
join sys.dm_xe_session_targets t on s.address=t.event_session_address

Fig 1.5 - check the extended events that are created by SQL server

Step 10: Stop Server AUDIT
Server audit can be stopped using the ALTER SERVER AUDIT command a shown below.
ALTER SERVER AUDIT Compliance_Database_Audit with (STATE = OFF)
Note: When the audit is stopped, SQL Server releases the free space on the audit files to the Operating System. Refer to Fig 1.6

Fig 1.6 - Stop Server AUDIT

This article has illustrated how to create a database level audit, test the audit and retrieve the audit records.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Modifying Access’s built- in toolbars

Modifying Access’s built-in toolbars

Access’s built-in toolbars are easy to customize. As you become more and more familiar with Access you will find that there are many items on Access’s various toolbars that you almost never use. In addition, there are probably a number of functions you execute frequently that lack corresponding tool buttons. You can make your work more efficient (and make your work easier for your applications user) by modifying the built- in toolbars.

The toolbars dialog box shows you a list of all toolbars in Access. You can use it to:
- Customize an existing toolbar
- Create a new toolbar
- Select color or black- and- white buttons
- Select large or small buttons
- Choose to display tooltips

To customize a toolbar, the toolbar must be displayed. To display a toolbar, click on the check box next to the toolbar you want to display. When all the toolbars you want to customize are displayed, click on the customize button to display the Customize Toolbars dialog box.
Customizing a toolbar consists of four basic functions:
- Adding buttons to toolbars
- Removing buttons from toolbars
- Moving buttons on toolbars
- Changing the face(image) of toolbar buttons

Adding buttons to a toolbar
The Customize Toolbars dialog box consists primarily of two elements:
- A category list
- A view of all buttons or objects for the selected category

Removing buttons from a toolbar
You generally want to remove a tool button for one of three reasons:
- The function isn’t used.
- A tool button that is used more frequently will replace it.
- Users shouldn’t be allowed to perform the function.

To remove a tool button, simply drag the desired tool button to the open Access desktop ot the Customize Toolbars dialog box. If you drag a tool button and drop it in another toolbar, the tool button is removed from the original toolbar.
Moving buttons on toolbars
To move a tool button, click on and drag the tool button to the desired location. To move a tool button from one toolbar to another, click on and drag the tool button to the location on the new toolbar where you want to move the button.
Changing button faces on toolbars
There are three methods for customizing the image of a tool button:
- Copy and paste an image using the clipboard.
- Select a bitmap from Access’s supplied images.
- Design an image- using the built- in Button Editor.

Copy and Paste an image by using the clipboard
To use the clipboard to transfer an image
- Display the image in the graphic editor of your choice.
- Use the editor’s function to copy the image to the clipboard.
- Open the shortcut menu of the tool button you want to change.
- Select Paste Button Image.

You can also copy the image from one tool button to another. To do this
- Open the shortcut menu of the tool button you want to copy the image from.
- Select Copy Button Image.
- Open the shortcut menu of the tool button you want to change.
- Select Paste Button Image.
Select from supplied bitmaps

To select an image from this library of button images
- Open the shortcut menu of the tool button where you want to select an image.
- Select Choose Button Image.
- Select the desired image by clicking on it.
- Click OK to accept your selection and place it on the button

Using the built- in button editor
To access the Button Editor
- Open the shortcut menu of the tool button that you want to change.
- Select Edit button Image.

Adding Tooltips to toolbar buttons
To change the tooltip of a custom button
- Open the shortcut menu of the tool button that you want to assign an image.
- Select the Choose Button Image.
- Type the tool buttons tooltip help in the Description field.
- Click on OK to accept your changes.

Friday, December 11, 2009

ASSIGN_02 current trends

Sample articles that has to do with DATABASES

Featured Database Articles
MS Access
December 7, 2009
Database Table and Field Naming Suggestions
By Danny Lesandrini

I chose this topic because it sounded fun but I know it's the kind of thing that could start a holy war among developers and DBAs. After all, who am I to tell anyone how they should name tables and fields? Actually, I'm not the worst choice for advice on naming schemas. It's something I've thought a lot about over the last 14 years.
Some of my naming standards were handed to me on a silver platter by kindly developers with more experience than I had and some were earned the hard way. I can say from personal experience that it's better to receive these lessons free than earn them. Consider some examples. We'll start with field naming.

Field Naming: The Dos and Don'ts
Microsoft Access is a great product that allows you to do practically anything when it comes to naming. It's my opinion that Access was originally written with Excel power users in mind. I think that somewhere in the mid 90's it was hijacked by programmers and taken to levels that Microsoft never intended. It's precisely this feature, field naming, that makes me feel this way. Hard-core developers would never dream of naming things the way Access allows for.

Below is a screen shot of a table I created in Access, which I appropriately named BAD_table. It encapsulates a number of bad practices that I see all the time when I assist clients with Access database applications that were built in-house by people who could probably be described as Excel Power Users.
They know enough to be dangerous, but they don't know why. If you're an Excel Power User, you might be feeling the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as you read this, but stick with it for another couple paragraphs and you'll understand what I mean. The problems that come from bad naming conventions don't manifest themselves until one begins writing code but by then it's too late to change them.

So, what's wrong with these field names?

There's technically nothing wrong with naming a field [ID] but once you start creating queries, you'll find that this is too ambiguous and you'll wish you'd named them differently. Consider this SQL statement.
SELECT * FROM tblContact c
INNER JOIN tblEmployee e ON e.ID = c.EmployeeID
INNER JOIN tblStatus s ON s.ID = c.StatusID
All three of these tables have a primary key field named [ID] but when these ID fields show up as foreign keys in other tables, their names must be changed. Thus you get links that read ID=EmployeeID and ID=StatusID instead of EmployeeID=EmployeeID and StatusID=StatusID. Some will write to tell me that this doesn't end up being as confusing as I'm making it out to be but I've been there, done that, and it's my suggestion that you avoid this approach.

[Contact Name]
There are potentially two things wrong with this field name. First, one might split this field into [ContactFirstName] and [ContactLastName], though an equally good argument might be made for keeping them together. It's just that sometimes you might want to display a name as First-Last and sometimes as Last-First. If you use only one field for the full name, you forfeit that flexibility.
The second problem, which we see a lot of, is the embedded space. Access allows you to do this, even though you will curse the day you added spaces once you start coding. It may seem like a little thing, but I've written so many thousands of lines of code that I start looking for shortcuts when typing. If you have spaces, you'll simply have to do more typing.
For example, consider this code for accessing fields in a DAO recordset:
sSQL = "SELECT FirstName, [Birth Date] FROM tblContacts"
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
Debug.Print rst!FirstName
Debug.Print rst![Birth Date]
The extra typing I'm referring to is the set of square brackets. You must add them to both the SQL statement and to the recordset field assignment. It gets more funky when you start creating forms with the wizard, which will name the associated text box Birth Date like the field. At least it appears to. Behind the scene, it uses an underscore for the space, so the control is referenced as Birth_Date. This can be seen in the event sub procedure assignments. For example, the after update event of the [Birth Date] field would be ...

Private Sub Birth_Date_AfterUpdate()
I guess the point is that it's not necessary to add spaces and contributes nothing except more typing. Access allows you to supply a caption for a field, which automatically provides for a readable alias when the field is added to a query. If you want spaces, update the Caption property but don't put them in the actual field names.

[# of Cars] and [Got Milk?]
Everything mentioned above about spaces applies equally well to special characters, although there are some special characters that Access won't allow you to use, namely . ! [ ]. These characters mean something in SQL Statements. While the pound sign and question mark are not operators and may be used, they present other problems, as does starting a field with a number.
Below is a screen shot of a table I tried to create in SQL Server. Notice that I succeeded in creating a field that begins with a number, namely [1stField]. The brackets were added automatically by SQL Server as a quiet protestation to the name. In fact, SQL Server 7 didn't even allow field names that began with a number. In my example below, [Got Milk?] is allowed with the question mark provided the field is bracketed but it choked on the pound sign.
So while Access will allow me to name a field as [# of Cars], SQL Server will not. That means that in addition to making my code more complicated, this Access table cannot be upsized to SQL Server, should that whim ever strike me.

[Last time he/she went to a Rockie's baseball game]

My spell checker now tells me that Rockie's isn't correct, which is the first thing wrong with this field name. J The next is the spaces and special characters. In fact, I'm not sure why a single quote is allowed. That's going to wreak havoc in SQL Statements, I'm sure. I don't like the foreword slash either, though I can't say exactly what harm it may or may not do.
The real problem is the length of this field name. Somehow, there has to be a balance between too much abbreviation and too many words. Do you really want to have to type a field name that big? On the other hand, simply removing the spaces and vowels is no better. Who could decipher a field named LstTmHShWntTRckysBsbllGm. In my GOOD_table below, you see I renamed this field to BaseballNote. That's a good compromise: self-explanatory enough and not too verbose.

[Name] and [Date]
For these last two, it's probably not so obvious as to why I object. Try this as an experiment. Open any Access database and press Ctl+G to bring up the immediate window. (Bottom of the VBA environment window.) Now type a question mark and one of these field names, and then hit the ENTER key. Below are the results of these two field names, and other potentially poor choices.
Microsoft Access
7/30/2009 9:42:20 AM
These words represent built-in functions within Microsoft Access. The Date() function returns today's date. Now while you are allowed to create a field named [Date] it means you might end up writing SQL that looks like this ...
SELECT * FROM tblOrders WHERE Date=Date()
Does this SQL break? Not that I know of but it lends itself to ambiguity. The question is, why would you want a field named [Date]? What date is it? OrderDate or ShipDate? If you have a field named [Name], what name is it? Person name or product name or what?
Below is a screen shot of the corresponding GOOD_table. The ID field is not ambiguous, spaces are removed and no special characters were used. The field names are descriptive, yet short enough to be reasonable when typed. There's one other subtle but important difference between this screen shot and the previous table image. Can you see it?

Here's where I have to give credit to a great programmer-friend of mine, Jim Pilcher. It was nearly a decade ago when I did some work for him that he introduced me to his rule-of-thumb for sizing text fields, and I'm going to share it with you here.
Notice above in the BAD_table that the [Contact Name] field is 50 characters. What this tells you is that I accepted the Access default size and probably didn't think about what size it should really be. Now perhaps 50 characters represents 20 for First Name and 30 for Last Name, or maybe 25 for each ... or maybe I just didn't think about it at all. There's no way to know for sure.
Jim's convention when choosing field size is to use a binary value, 2 to the power of something. With this plan, field sizes will always be in this list: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 255. (Access doesn't allow fields of size 256 because it needs the last bit for its own purposes.) I've added 48 and 96 to that list even though they are not powers of 2, because I like those sizes for certain fields. Have you figured out the advantage yet?
There are two benefits to be had with this sizing convention. First, as Jim pointed out, any time he sees a field in a table that does not have one of these sizes, he knows he did not personally add it. Maybe a consultant did, maybe the client, but certainly not him. It's like the parakeet in the coal mine.
Second, it lends itself to consistency. I've set the [FirstName] field size to 16 characters. I've found that to be adequate, knowing that 8 characters is going to be too small and 32 is overkill. Next time I create a [FirstName] field, I will go through the same process and I'll end up at 16 and my next [FirstName] field will be consistent with my last one. Same for [City], which is always 32 and [Email] which is always 64 characters. Consistency! This naming tends to make my field sizing more consistent.
For what it's worth, choosing powers of 2 is arbitrary. One could just as easily use a Fibonacci number series ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233) and accomplish the same goals.

Table Naming
Much of what has already been written about field names applies to tables. One thing I omitted in the discussion above is the use of capital letters. I personally prefer to use camel case, with the first letter of words jutting up like camel humps. Some (read Oracle developers here) choose to use all CAPITALS separated by underscores.
This, even more so than conventions already discussed, is a personal matter. However, WE ALL KNOW WHAT IT'S CALLED WHEN YOU WRITE AN EMAIL WITH ALL CAPITAL LETTERS: SHOUTING! Please don't use all capital letters when naming fields and tables ... I may have to work on your database some day and it offends me.
The next thing to consider is whether or not you will use table prefixes. Will your table be named tblEmployee or Employee? I actually don't have a strong feeling about this, but I guess I tend to prefix the table. Maybe because I don't like any ambiguity, and I sometimes use the attribute key word as an alias in my SQL statements, like this ...
SELECT FName + ' ' + LName AS Employee FROM tblEmployee
Finally, we must mention the question of plurals. Is the table tblEmployee or tblEmployees? One record of the table is one employee so the whole table is all the employees. My first inclination is to make table names plural. However, English sometimes sucks and the singular word "Category" does not become "Categorys" but "Categories". "Status" becomes "Statuses". I hate this inconsistency so much that I tend to go singular with table names.

Featured Database Articles
December 8, 2009
Sybase ASE 15: Very Large Storage Systems
by Jeffrey Garbus

Executive Summary:
In this past year, the author has had multiple customers accelerate their migrations to ASE 15 with one goal in mind: taking advantage of Very Large Storage Structures (VLSS) in ASE 15 so that they can increase the size of their growing databases to something with an almost unlimited upside. The idea behind VLSS is that Sybase has modified the ASE system tables to accommodate the larger limitations. In this article old structure, new structure, and practical limitations are discussed.

From its inception, Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) has been a high-volume Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) or Decision Support System (DSS) or mixed-use database, capable of storing, managing, and retrieving an enormous amount of data.
Over time, the definition of the word “enormous” has changed.
In the early 1990s, we designed and rolled out an application, which contained about 65 gigabytes of data. At the time, our contemporaries wondered if the system would even accommodate a table with 2.5 billon rows of data in a single table (it did). It was, at the time, the 4th largest ASE installation in the world. Anything over 20 gig was considered a Very Large Database (VLDB). Within a few months it had doubled in size, and a few months later doubled again to 250 gig, a monster in those days. The entire project was cost-justified in storage savings: a 2-gigabyte DASD device (for their DB2 applications) cost approximately $40K, while a 2 gigabyte SCSI drive cost about $2K.
Today, you can buy an external 1Terabyte hard drive for under $100. Times change.
In this past year, I have had multiple customers accelerate their migrations to ASE 15 with one goal in mind: taking advantage of Very Large Storage Structures (VLSS) in ASE 15 so that they can increase the size of their growing, 4 terabyte databases to something with an almost unlimited upside. (Yes, famous last words, but with a potential upside of 2 billion devices of 4 terabytes each, I’ll risk eating those words).
The idea behind VLSS is that Sybase has modified the ASE system tables to accommodate the larger limitations.
In this article, we’re going to discuss old structure, new structure, and practical limitations.
Pre-ASE 15 Storage
Prior to ASE 15.0, ASE was limited to 256 logical devices and 32GB for individual devices. Note that when these limits were originally put in place, 20 gig was thought to be a Very Large Database (VLDB), and it was years after before anyone attempted one. In addition, because of an intra-database addressing limitation, an individual database was limited to 4T (if you have a 2K page size) and 8T (if your page size is larger). These limitations were irrespective of physical device or OS-level limitations.
This was driven by the fact that ASE’s storage was organized by virtual pages using a 4 byte bit mask. The virtual page was the mechanism the server used to connect the logical concept of a page with the physical disk. The high order byte of the vdevno column in the sysdevices table was used to encode the device id, and consequently the byte of 8 bits limited ASE to 256 devices (8 bits as a signed integer). (Of course, with one device set aside for master, and perhaps others set aside for tempdb, sysaudits, etc., there were sometimes fewer than 256 available for data). The remaining 3 bytes were used to track the actual virtual page numbers – which considering a 2K page (the storage factor in sysdevices) provided a limit of 32GB per device. Note that theoretically, a 16K server could have large devices, but due the default of 2K and the implementation of sysdevices, a limit of 32GB was imposed.
Here’s a picture of the vdevno column:

Additionally, each database had a limit of 8TB – this was based on 256 devices of 32GB each. But, one database may only have up to 2^31 (2,147,483,648) logical pages, so its maximum size also depends on its logical page size:
2K page server 4TB
4K page server 8TB
8K page server 16TB
16K page server 32TB
Previous limits in early 10 & 11.x timeframes of the numbers of devices per database and device fragments limits were removed a long time ago (they had formerly limited a database to 32 devices. Without the device limit of 32GB, the max database size would be 32TB based on ~2 billion 16K pages.
These limitations caused consternation in a variety of shops with a real need to store database, which at least for today are still considered very big.
Very Large Storage System in ASE 15
In ASE 15, Sybase has implemented what is being called the “Very Large Storage System (VLSS).”

The vdevno/vpageno combined 4-byte integer from the “low” column has been split into separate columns. This has required the rewrite of a significant part of server code; page addresses impact the page number and page header of every physical page – not just the system tables. As a result, ASE now supports ~2 billion devices of 4TB each. It still has the 32,767 limit for the number of databases per server, with a practical limit of roughly 100 due to backup timeframes, etc.
As a result for databases, the upper limit is now driven by the integer representation for pageno and the page size or 32TB as described earlier. The theoretical server size is now 8 million terabytes (8 Exabytes) which unfortunately is limited by the number of databases to 1 Exabyte.
If you have an OLTP in the terabyte range, this is for you (but note the comments later on partitions!). However, if you have a DSS system, you should be giving strong consideration to Sybase IQ.
Devices 231 (2 Billion)
Maximum device size 4TB
Databases/server 32,767
Yields Maximum Storage:
Database size 231 pages * 16KB pg = 32 TB
Theoretical DB storage 32,767 DB’s * 32TB = 1 EB (exabyte) = 1,048,544 TB
Theoretical server size 231 devices * 4TB size = 8,589,934,592 TB
Comparing pre-ASE 15 limits to newer (sic) limits, we get
Attribute Old (12.5.x) Limit New (15.0) Limit
Number of devices 256 2,147,483,648 (2^31)
Maximum device size 32 Gb
32GB ß 224 * 2K vpg 4 Tb
Maximum database size (2K / 4K / 8K / 16K) 4 Tb / ~8 Tb / ~ 8 Tb / ~8 Tb
8TB ß 256 devices * 32GB 4 Tb / 8 Tb / 16 Tb / 32 Tb
Not bad; pre-15, an entire database/server could only take up 4 Tb; with ASE 15, we can have 2 billion devices of that size.
In ASE 15.0, the virtual page number is represented by two 32-bit values. One is the device number; the other is the block number

A Word on Partitions
Storing the data is half the battle. Maybe a third.
The rest of the battle involves data manipulation and maintenance.
When you insert a row, how does the server know where the next empty page is? When you retrieve a row, how long will a table scan take? How do you backup a 10Tb database? Run dbcc? Update your statistics?
Databases in the terabyte range are nontrivial to manage at this point in history. (In another decade, they’ll fit in my wristwatch). For today, we need to plan a bit.
With the advent of ASE 15, Sybase has added real semantic partition management to Adaptive Server Enterprise. This means that you can separate your data into a variety of partitioning schemes (subject of a separate article).
Partitioning, though, is extremely relevant to large tables (which tend to go along with large databases), because of everything from insertion rates to data archival.
Partitioning nets you:
• Partitioned indexes, which yields faster access performance, smaller index structures, and improved parallel search.
• Partitioned data, which allows you to organize the data based upon your own rules (hash, data range, list partitioning, round-robin partitioning), which lets you either spread io across multiple LUNs, or to allow archiving to hit only one of several LUNs, without interfering with online access.
• Partition-aware maintenance, which lets you (for example) update statistics or run dbcc on only the more recent partitions. You can also truncate, reorg, or bcp on a partition basis.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Contrast between Hierarchical Database and Relational Database

The difference between the two is that hierarchical database is a database organization method that is structured in a hierarchy. All access to data starts at the top of the hierarchy and moves downward; for example, from customer to orders, vendor to purchases, etc. Contrast with relational database and network database.

A hierarchical data model is a data model in which the data is organized into a tree-like structure. The structure allows repeating information using parent/child relationships: each parent can have many children but each child only has one parent. All attributes of a specific record are listed under an entity type.

Example of a Hierarchical Model.

In a database, an entity type is the equivalent of a table; each individual record is represented as a row and an attribute as a column. Entity types are related to each other using 1: N mapping, also known as one-to-many relationships.
The most recognized and used hierarchical database is IMS developed by IBM.

On the other hand, relational database matches data by using common characteristics found within the data set. The resulting groups of data are organized and are much easier for people to understand.
For example, a data set containing all the real-estate transactions in a town can be grouped by the year the transaction occurred; or it can be grouped by the sale price of the transaction; or it can be grouped by the buyer's last name; and so on.
Such a grouping uses the relational model (a technical term for this is schema). Hence, such a database is called a "relational database."

The software used to do this grouping is called a relational database management system. The term "relational database" often refers to this type of software.
Relational databases are currently the predominant choice in storing financial records, manufacturing and logistical information, personnel data and much more.

Friday, August 14, 2009


A. Discuss what you have learned and understood about Database Management System is, so far.

It is a special data processing system, or part of a data processing system, which aids in the storage, manipulation, reporting, management, and control of data. It is a program that lets one or more computer users create and access data in a database.

B. Define how each of the following fit and function within the framework of relational DBMS.

Data fields - includes field structure (size of each field and whether it is a date, an integer, or a text field) and field organization (names and locations of data fields within a document record).

Forms - it can be used to facilitate database data entry and/or retrieval operations. Its outcome is better compared to tables.

Foreign Key – it identifies a column or a set of columns in one (referencing) table that refers to a column or set of columns in another (referenced) table. The columns in the referencing table must be the primary key or other candidate key in the referenced table. The values in one row of the referencing columns must occur in a single row in the referenced table.

Queries - are the primary mechanism for retrieving information from a database and consist of questions presented to the database in a predefined format.

Records - A database record consists of one set of tuple for a given relational table. In a relational database, records correspond to rows in each table.

Reports - A database report presents information retrieved from a table or query in a preformatted, attractive manner.

Table Linkages – this is where primary key and foreign key are used to link each other.

Sunday, July 5, 2009



A data type (or datatype) in programming languages is a set of values and the operations on those values.

Almost all programming languages explicitly include the notion of data type, though different languages may use different terminology. Most programming languages also allow the programmer to define additional data types, usually by combining multiple elements of other types and defining the valid operations of the new data type. For example, a programmer might create a new data type named "Person" that specifies that data interpreted as Person would include a name and a date of birth. Common data types may include:

* integers,
* floating-point numbers (decimals), and
* alphanumeric strings.

For example, in the Java programming language, the "int" type represents the set of 32-bit integers ranging in value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, as well as the operations that can be performed on integers, such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Colors, on the other hand, are represented by three bytes denoting the amounts each of red, green, and blue, and one string representing that color's name; allowable operations include addition and subtraction, but not multiplication.

A data type also represents a constraint placed upon the interpretation of data in a type system, describing representation, interpretation and structure of values or objects stored in computer memory. The type system uses data type information to check correctness of computer programs that access or manipulate the data.

b.) What role do they play in database?

The database itself can help to keep bad data out (for example you can't put 'text' into a number only field) and can speed things up especially searching and sorting?
Data type selection plays an important role in how efficiently your RDBMS functions, and so it's important to be fully aware of the options available to you, and to select the most appropriate data type for your storage needs. That's where this document comes in. It outlines the most important data types supported by PostgreSQL, describing when and how each should be used, and provides you with a ready supply of choices the next time you sit down to optimize your existing databases or create new ones.

c.) Example of data types in DBMS.

Character string, has a fixed size up to 64 kbytes.

This field is used to store the date. It takes 3 bytes and actually contains the munber of days from January 1, Year 0000.

This field is a pointer to a record in another class. physically it contains the sub- class record number. Size can be from 1-4 bytes. Having pointer makes context somewhat different than traditional DBMS systems.Connection between tables in relational databases is done through the common indexing of two tables with common keys. In this case, the keys must be present in both tables, which means size overhead. To perform search for related records in two tables indexes are needed. In context there is no need to search. The number of a record in a sub class is contained in the field of the main class. (Terms "main class" and "sub class" in the future will only be used for clarity, but in reality all class in context are equal.) Since there are no keys, the performance is much better. In this case it is important to understand that fields are not linked together, only records. The field simple points to a record.

These types of fields are designed to store integer. Size may vary from 1 to 8 bytes. 8 bytes holds a very large number. It is often necessary to enter a number with decimal points (dollars and cents). A choice in selecting how precise you wish the number to be is available to you. Example: You many have an integer field that contains 7 bytes long with 2 numbers after the decimal point.

Four and eight bit numbers with floating point. Size is fixed, but you can pick how precise you want them to be. Output will be limited to the number of digits you pick.

It is a static composite field. Actually this isn't a field. It is a package of fields or structure. This field consist of subfields that holds others ConteXt fields or objects. A subfields maybe STRUCTURE too etc. In other words this type of field can create a hierarchy of data inside a record. This opens up a lot of new opportunities in database design and makes some applications much easier to develop.

(BLOB - Binary Large Object) These are regular fields with a varying size. You can store unlimited size (limited by disk space) text or binary information .

This is a BINARY field clone. Contains GIF or JPEG image.

This field is similar to TEXT, but contains the name of the file in a file system. Essentially this is a pointer to a file. It is often a better idea to have a pointer to the file instead of copying the file contents into the file.

This is another TEXT field clone but contains a program on a certain language. When the output of a true field value is calculated.

This is a dynamic composite field. The idea is similar to VARIANT but in relation to structures. Field STRUCTURE can contain sub fields, but their number and type is specified during the databse creation, and are therefore constant. What if it is necessary to change the structure of a field depending on the information? That's where COMPLEX type of fields comes in. Basically, it is a combination of a pointer to a sub Class containing the stuctures and a binary field containing the information.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Characteristics:Memory Variable vs Data Field

Memory variable

The memory of a computer is organized into a regular pattern of containers for information. These containers for information are called "words". Each one has a numeric address and each one is the same size as each of the others. For most applications, it is inconvenient to refer to portions of memory by their numeric addresses, so programming languages allow us to allocate portions of memory by name. When we store information in the memory of a computer we need to decide on how much we need for various purposes and on how it will be organized. Programming languages provide mechanism for "types" of information in memory. They also provide mechanisms to identify repetitive arrays of items of the same type and to aggregate possibly heterogeneous types under a common name.Definition: A variable is a way of referring to a memory location used in a computer program. This memory location holds values- perhaps numbers or text or more complicated types of data like a payroll record.
Operating Systems load programs into different parts of RAM so there is no way of knowing exactly which memory location will hold a particular variable before the program is run. By giving a variable a symbolic name like "employee_payroll_id" the compiler or interpreter can always work out where to store the variable in memory.
VariableYou will learn more about variable and arrays, these are the smallest components of a programming language.
What is variable?

Every computer has internal memory (read as RAM)
You need to use RAM of a computer writing a Perl program
As shown in following figure memory is series of separate memory cells i.e. RAM is divided into several locations. Each location has got its own address
Each storage location holds a small amount of information
In oder to store or retrieve information from a memory location, you must give that particular location a name. This is commonly know as memory variable
So variable is a character of group of character assigned by the Perl programmer to a single memory location and used in the program as the name of that memory location in order to access the value stored in it (or assign new value to it)
For example in expression Y=10, Y is a name of memory location (variable) where 10 is stored.
Under Perl a variable can be created at anywhere (any point) in the code. Perl variable divided into three basic categories:

Data Field

In the structure of a database, the smallest component under which data is entered through data capture or data entry. All data fields in the same database have unique names, several data fields make up a data record, several data records make up a data file, and several data files make up a database.
A data field is the smallest subdivision of the stored data that can be accessed. A data field can be used to store numerical information such as price, count or a date or time, or even a data and time. A pair of data fields can be used in combination to hold a geo-spatial coordinate. Also, a data field can be used to hold a block of text. A data field takes up permanent storage within the data-store.
The data-store is composed of a number of data records which are, in turn, composed of a number of predefined data fields. Each of these data fields must be defined within the Load Definition File with a unique name.
Variables and Memory
5 distinct areas of memory
--Code space: This is where the executable instructions of the program are kept.
--registers: are part of the CPU that take care of internal housekeeping. Among other things, they contain an identifier that points to the next line of code that is to be executed, and the stack pointer.
--Global Name Space: contains objects allocated by the linker which will persist for the duration of the program.
--Stack: contains local variables, whose persistency is defined by their scope.
--Free Store, or Heap is explicitly created and destroyed by issuing new and delete commands.